We believe that we are called to live differently because of Jesus


Join us at Christ Family Church

7575 Nolensville Rd., Nolensville, TN 31735


Classes for Infants–5th Grade

  • Children check-in before service in the lobby or building next door. They receive a name tag with a matching tag for pickup.

  • Children in grades Kindergarten – 5th Grade attend worship in the sanctuary and are dismissed to their class with teachers. Children under 5 attend class in the ministry building for the entirety of the service.

  • Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Please contact Rachel Wright and she will get you information on the next training.

Worship begins at 11:15AM

  • We worship with contemporary worship songs, selecting music that we hope will help you to express praise and honor to God. Come as you are and wear whatever makes you comfortable and ready to worship.

  • We have communion once a month in remembrance and celebration of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It is an “open table” for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

  • Unable to join us in-person? Each week, the service is available to watch on Youtube and we encourage you to worship with us from wherever you are.

  • We appreciate our Sunday morning volunteers! There are many areas to serve, please contact to find the right fit.

Bible Teaching

  • We are currently in a time of pastoral transition. Each Sunday, you will hear from guest speakers who prayerfully study and teach God's word.

  • Our community accesses scripture within their personal bibles that they bring with them to service or on their phone’s app.

  • Catch up on recent Sermons as well as past series on our YouTube Channel.


As believers in Jesus Christ, we desire to know God, grow in faithfulness, and do things that honor Him.

Our faith community is a space where you can find encouragement and actively participate. Our ministries exist to help individuals of all ages understand the Bible and take small steps of faith.


We want to connect with you.

Our ministries and events are for all ages!

Children’s Ministry

Kid’s Life

Our Children's Ministry strives to raise our children knowing God’s Word.  We love them in a way that reflects Christ’s love for us. Our church loves partnering with parents as they raise their children and encourage them in their walk with Christ.

Sunday Classes
Infants–5th Grade

Student Ministry

Life Community

In the bible, Jesus leads through relationships. Life Community Students provides opportunities for students to spend time with adults who will speak the Gospel into their lives while also helping them develop relationships with Christians their age. 

Join a Wednesday Gathering
6:00-8:00 PM

Adult Group Ministry

Community Groups

Community Groups are an intentional time of fellowship and fun. Each group meets twice a month during the school year, primarily on Sundays in homes, to encourage one another, and grow in faithfulness.


Get together and dive deep.

LCC Men’s and Women’s Ministries provide the space to get to know other men and women in your community. Our ministry teams intentionally diversify the schedule to offer daytime and evening opportunities. Visit our calendar events on MYLCC for specific dates and times.

Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry


How can we pray for you?

You are not alone. Our prayer team will confidentially pray for you and the specifics of your request, and we will follow up with you for support. 


We’d like to connect with you!

Event Notifications

Can we email you about upcoming events?

Can we help you find something?

Please send us your questions, and a staff member will follow up with you as soon as possible. Thank you!